What Self Defence Weapons Are Legal In Canada?

 What self defence weapons are legal in canada? Canada, you cannot carry a weapon specifically for self-defence. This applies to anything that could be considered a weapon, even common household items like baseball bats or pepper spray.

The law focuses on de-escalation and using reasonable force to defend yourself. If you are carrying a weapon and use it in a self-defence situation, you could be charged with a crime, even if you were the one being attacked.

However, there are some everyday items that you can carry that could be used for self-defence, so long as they are not intended for that purpose. For example, you can carry a:

  • Flashlight

  • Personal alarm

The key is that the item must have a legitimate primary use.

Here are some resources on self-defence in Canada:

  • Self-Defence Rights in Canada: What You Can and Can't Do

  • Self Defence Laws in Canada: Myth vs Reality]

If you are concerned about your safety, it is always best to take self-defence classes. A self-defence class can teach you how to de-escalate a situation, use awareness to avoid danger, and defend yourself using only your body. Follow The self defense tool !

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What Self Defense Weapons Are Legal In Canada?

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